DmOS is a Network Operating System developed by Datacom to meet high availability, scalability, supportability and performance applications. DmOS was conceived within the most modern modularity concepts, which guarantees portability characteristics for different hardware architectures, as well as the ability to quickly absorb technological evolutions and new functionalities. The management of equipment based on the DmOS operating system can be done through the traditional CLI standard, as well as through the modern NETCONF/YANG standards, allowing integration with different platforms.

The Operating System provides the user with a wide set of L2, IP/MPLS and GPON functionalities, in order to meet various network applications, whether in access, aggregation or core environments of telecom service providers, to applications in corporate networks.


The DmOS equips several pieces of equipment from Datacom's Switches and GPON line. The Switch line contains models for applications ranging from access to the core, with high capacity and added value, with interfaces of up to 100Gbps.

The GPON line includes OLTs with 4, 8 and 16 GPON ports, providing a compact and high-capacity solution for access networks in broadband applications, Triple Play services, mobile network backhaul, corporate interconnection through LAN-to-LAN and cloud connectivity.

DmOS uses standard formatting to identify versions made available to customers. This formatting makes use of three X.Y.Z identifiers representing the Major, Minor and Maintenance Versions.

Software development is carried out using agile methods and the TDD (Test Driven Development) methodology. Automatic verification and testing ensure maximum quality of deliveries and minimum regressions.

DmOS versioning is accomplished by developing continuous releases, with time-spaced releases focused on the business. Maintenance versions are also generated when there is a need to carry out corrections of defects detected internally or by customers.

DmOS is a Network Operating System that aims to accelerate the deployment of services and applications on networks, as it is unique for several DATACOM product platforms. Allows that once a protocol has been developed, all products will support this same protocol.

The reduction of training costs is a differential, as the technical qualification of Engineers and Technicians is the same in all products with DmOS support.

It allows the unification and simplification of operating processes, adopting the same procedures for the various assets of the network. Through the use of commits and configuration rollback, DmOS provides lower operational risk during network configuration in sensitive environments such as large telecommunication providers.


The modular architecture and layering of the software allow independent development of software modules, making them more robust, resilient, flexible, scalable and portable.

DmOS is able to adjust to different applications and product models through its processor-agnostic architecture and the use of a hardware abstraction layer. This flexibility allows for portability and reuse in products such as GPON OLTs, Small Ethernet Switches, and even high-availability modular switches, while maintaining a seamless usage experience.

High availability is achieved through the development of modular, independent, fault-tolerant components and processes that are self-healing in the event of problems.